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Old 07-29-2005, 05:44 PM
Tom Martell Tom Martell is offline
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Location: New York
Posts: 27
Default Re: A new theory on Negraneau challenge matches

And what is wrong with trying to make people open there minds beyond "well this famous player says this so i believe them. and smoothcall is wrong because i don't know who his mentality". i use educated argument to discuss facts. You and others use the argument. Well he's daniel and your not so he must be right argument. So whose the one not thinking clearly?

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Do you even understand what we are saying to you? Every post you say the same message, which remains as off point now as it was the first time you repeated it.

Daniel's statements have a level of credibility that suggests they can be taken as reasonably accurate because:

(1) He has made truthful statements in the past.
(2) He has a large audience that reads it, including individuals who have enough information to verify the factual accuracy of his statements.
(3) None of these individuals say he is wrong.
(4) Some of these individuals have made comments supporting his statements.

Therefore, I can deduce from this application of logic, that he is a credible source. If something should change in these preconditions, I would re-evaluate his credibility.

Instead, you just harp on the fact that he is famous and therefore not automatically credible. He is also not automatically dubious. Please provide a bullet point analysis explaining why you think he is not a credible source of information.

You think you can't beat him. You think he is superman.

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This is so painfully offtopic. As I have posted previously, this is not a discussion in which I, or most of the other posters, have ever stated we think DN is a god at poker. Many people have stated you lack the information necessary to criticize him in the manner you are doing.

When you can open your mind to this you may succeed more as a player.

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If you can't see that this is a statement DRIPPING with arrogance, I question your ability to interact socially with other individuals. Your posts reek of a holier than thou, supremacist attitude. That is why you provoke such hostile responses from people.

But i think i'm good enough to hang in a limit holdem game with daniel n. To me thats not arrogant, its confident and probably accurate

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Thats nice. It is also meaningless. I believe I will live to be 250 years old. You cannot prove me wrong until after I am dead. Does my belief mean ANYTHING? Nope.
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