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Old 07-29-2005, 05:42 PM
AaronBrown AaronBrown is offline
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Default Re: optimal bluffing frequency

There is another approach to this. The old rule was, bluff after two hands that you represent as strong are not called by anyone.

Obviously you were not supposed to do this in a predictable pattern, but the idea was to keep the 2:1 ratio. Typically, you didn't bluff at all until you got some respect for your raises, once that happened twice you started looking for good opportunities to bluff. You adjusted the frequency so that the ratio was intact.

The idea of this approach is to automatically adjust your bluffing frequency to your opponents' play. With luck, it got you out of phase with them so they called your strong hands and folded to your bluffs. Of course, you risk the reverse. So it's not optimal in game theory terms, but it can play pretty well. Also, it keeps you focused on the reason for bluffing so you don't do something silly like bluff because you're mad at having lost a showdown.

Another thing to be careful about is opponent selection. You might get two strong hands when the loose players had very weak hands and folded, while the tight players folded because they're tight. This could indicate the need to run a bluff, but you want to make sure you run it against a tight player, not a loose one.
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