Thread: Too aggressive?
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Old 07-29-2005, 04:44 PM
passion passion is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 58
Default Re: Too aggressive?

I think maybe you have the blind wrong in the post which makes it hard to tell how large your pf raise is. You also don't say how whether your playing 10- or 6-handed.

I will assume your PF raise is in the range of 3-5BB. If its not I would make it a good solid 5-6BB, particular since you have position. I think flop raise is fine in light of the flush (and less likely) the str8 draw.

Once your flop bet gets called your in sort of a tough spot. On one hand you would probably have to call for all your chips, but on the other your not crazy about that prospect.

If I were playing this hand in full ring I would be much more worried about AK. Given the action AK or a set seems like the hands with most potential for beating you. Given the smallish amount of chips you have the flush draw is less likely unless your vilian is not very good. In 6-max I don't worry very much about running into AK with AQ, but I do worry about it in full ring (when I used to play).

For this reason I would probably try to check it down in full ring. If it 6-max given the stack sizes I probably just put my chips in on the turn and hope to get called with a worse ace. If you opponent has you beat as he any good at all he is going to make you put the chips in anyway.

I'm sure other people will say you try to check it down regardless.

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