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Old 07-28-2005, 09:34 PM
InkyWretch InkyWretch is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 63
Default Re: Ethics of a hidden cam in an non-sanctioned game

I live in Texas and the powers that be ensure that the long arm of the law shall not authorise any cash games. That being the case, all games are underground.

If one could mount a hidden video camera to oneself (or even simply audio) to record the action in a session-for the purpose of putting to memory all the action at that session (a la pokertracker)-would such an action be unethical?

Does the question hinge on disclosure or is that irrelevant?

I'm not concerned with whether such an action would be advisable re: getting caught or any technical issues. Just simply is it in accordance with proper play of the game? Or would it be akin to cheating?

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Home cash games are legal in Texas. It only becomes illegal if there's a rake or sitting fee.

So you could have a table of people playing and it would be perfectly legal. But if you, as host, draw a rake out of the pot it's illegal.
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