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Old 07-28-2005, 07:10 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Anyone used to find local home games?

Some general stuff about your questions:

Try searching under MA.

Search nearby can't work if people don't enter actual locations into the club descriptions, and a lot of people aren't going to want to provide too much information about where their game is. (To club members, "Joe's basement" is a perfectly useful location. To non-members, searching for games near "Joe's Basement" isn't going to work.)

Also, the Boston's Game club isn't in Boston. The guy's name is Boston. I don't think any of the B clubs are in Boston.

Steve's site is great for keeping people up to date about existing clubs, but I wouldn't yet recommend it as a method of finding a new game. Maybe after it's had some more time to grow.
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