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Old 07-28-2005, 06:55 PM
DasLeben DasLeben is offline
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Default Re: Movies You Thought Would Suck Based On Comercials But Turned Out G

Ban. Super Troopers is awesome, and not because it's trendy. Do you see why?

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not another one of you guys, i'll bet you were in a toss-up between that post and posting something like "Watching Super Troopers is +EV" Constantly mis-using Sklansky quotes and theories.

If I "saw why" would I say the following? Dude Where's My Car > Super Troopers?

Super Troopers is basically from the indie side of Comedy (if there were such a thing) and it's trendy to say Super Troopers owns because it makes you sound like you have a unique taste in movies, you venture into the "underground" side of movies...almost like listing your favorite movies as, "Run Lola, Run" and Paul Giamatti flicks such as "Sideways" and "American Splendor."

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Wow, you got me dead on. Actually, wait, you're an idiot.

First of all, random Sklansky quotes are all over this board. If you're going to bitch at me, then go bitch at everyone you see saying "it's not close," or "(blank) is +EV." Go ahead, chief. Regulate.

Anyways, good job making sweeping generalizations about my personality and taste in movies while trying to look intelligent. Just a note for the future: it makes you look even more like a tool. Do you see why?

Super Troopers was awesome to me not because it's Indie (didn't know that until you just told me), but simply because it's silly comedy. That's my type of humor, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Oh, and Lola Rennt rocks. SON.
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