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Old 07-28-2005, 05:34 PM
Big Dave D Big Dave D is offline
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Default Re: Seperate PLO8 and Limit O/8 Forums?

Ummm. So handling the quarters is a big part of limit Omaha? If thinking of being quartered is a big part of your limit game then maybe you're in the wrong game.

When I said it was similar to PLO of course I didnt mean the hilo part, I mean, isnt that rather obvious? The split game factor is clearly going to make some hand selection changes, but there are plenty of differences on hand selection from limit too.

Let's put it another way.

How many pots are multiway at the turn?
How many pots are multiway on the river?
How important is stack size?
How important is betting the right amount?

Are these the same for PLO8b and limit?
Which do you think contributes more to your earn, the hand selection factors (which bear a little resemblence to limit) or the "how to play the game" factors, which have more in common with PLO?

FWIW, clearly this isnt directed just at you, Mendacious, but the other posters too.


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