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Old 07-28-2005, 03:49 PM
sublime sublime is offline
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Default Re: Most Recent Joe Morganism

i have backed off my stance that he is a moron. i have come to self realization in the past few days that i need to grow up a little. trying to force feed people with what you (I) perceive as the truth is an exercise in futility and doesnt neccasarily mean said person is stupid. it just means they prefer to not learn new things. so now i just consider him an ignorant oaf.

he has other things to say about the A's recently: this is lifted from the great blog, and is part of Joe's LIVECHAT-

Brendan (Cleveland, OH): Joe, Does it bother you that the A's are playing so well? It seems the Billy Beane detractors were waiting for a poor season with 2/3 of the Big 3 gone. Alas, it isn't going to happen. Haren has been a steal. Harden looks like an ace. It's only going to get better from here. Billy Beane truly looks like a maestro. What are your thoughts?

Joe answer:

Joe Morgan: (1:41 PM ET ) I think Harden can be an ace, he is excellent, and they stole Thomas from Atlanta by giving up Hudson. The A's are playing great right now, the young pitching is their key, but, I would think that if Mulder, Hudson and Zito were still there, they'd be doing the same thing. For the record, I don't know why you would call me a Billy Beane detractor ... I just disagree with his philosophy. Are you a Joe Morgan detractor because you disagree with my philosophy? I don't think so.

I love how he points out that if they had the pitchers they traded for younger cheaper pitchers they would be doing well also. Yeah Joe, and if they signed Jason Giambi, Johhny Damnon, Keithe Foulke and Miggy Tejada they MIGHT be a good team also.

He just does NOT get it.
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