Thread: A few thoughts.
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Old 07-28-2005, 06:57 AM
ChuckNorris ChuckNorris is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 54
Default Re: A few thoughts.

I don't find 5BB to be desperate, not necessarily even 4. I believe you often have a lot of FE with 3BB, at least at the 55's, where I see people folding BB's to ~2BB all-ins on a daily basis. I used to do 'desperation all-ins' with crap a lot, but for some reason I've began to feel that it's very rarely a good idea. I remember vaguely some post where Daliman pointed out how 4BB is nowhere near desperate or something.. And I have to agree. Especially when it's bubble time, I think it's usually better to wait for a good hand / someone to bust out rather than to go all-in with Q2o from CO or something.

Gigabet also pointed out that UTG+1 is the place to do desperation all-ins as it isn't that obvious. I wouldn't care about this at the lower (including $55) buy-ins though, unless you have a feeling that you're at a tougher than usual table.
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