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Old 07-27-2005, 11:40 PM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default \"so you think you can dance\"... actually very entertaining

I hate reality tv, and loathe the stupid 'american idol' karaoke (sp?) contest, but this show is pretty damn entertaining. there are some really talented dancers on the show, and they're showing a wide variety of styles, from 'crumping' to ballet to soul to roller disco. yes, roller disco.

I've got no sense of rythym and no talent for dancing, though i do boogie a bit if the girl i'm with pushes me to it... but i used to go to a lot of raves and parties where talented dancer would hang out and perform, and i always loved watching them go.

i think i may make a point to watch this one. thoughts?

there is a chick from siberia- 'snow'... very hot. not a knockout, but she can MOVE. damn.
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