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Old 07-27-2005, 06:38 PM
Cased Heel Cased Heel is offline
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Default Re: About to buy a house

We will save more than 13K in 5 years. You are just including the saving from renting and not buying now.

However, in addition to thosse savings, her and I can put away 2K/month right now (finally, after paying of thousands in credit debt, thank god). So in 5 years, we'll have a lot more than 13K. (knock on wood). Plus, I will be able to put some poker earnings towards that as well. Although I cannot successfully predict or forecast how much my bankroll will be in 5 years.

Right now I just got out of "serious" debt (still have student loans, but at low interest rates so I'm not "bogged down" like the 24% cash-advance credit card interest I was paying (Holy S.hit).) So since i just got out of debt, I have no capital, which means its not a good time to buy. If I wait 5 years, I'll have plenty of capital to put down, and a newer house.

Plus, I'm an architect, and I may want do design/build my first home. Another reason for waiting/saving.

Renting isn't horrible IF you have a "plan". Which I do.

And yes, she could dump me any day. haha.
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