Thread: New Gf
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Old 07-27-2005, 06:17 PM
Loci Loci is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Michigan
Posts: 58
Default New Gf

Okay, so I met this gorgeous girl couple weeks ago and she's amazing. I hit my head on her computer, she thought it was cute, and agreed to go out with me. She couldn't go the first day I asked her because she was going sky diving... but the next night she asked me out to play pool. A few of the pros: She loves playing poker(albeit average in skill.) She is an insomniac(like me) and consumes a level of caffeine that I find respectable via Mt. Dew every day. She works two jobs and therefore refuses to let me ever pay for her when we go out. She grew up working in a tire shop so she is a muscle car maniac. She's an adrenaline junkie and wants to hit her 100th sky dive by 25 (she's 21, now). She's been all but accepted to Georgetown, Harvard, and Oxford(due to her personal work she's done in collaboration with these schools) for her master's program, which she'll start in a year. She's been hunting every year since she was 11 and bagged a 14 pt buck whose head dorns her bedroom wall. She's a bit of a nympho, and (to qoute Jay from the Kevin Smith movies) loves the caaack. The grand finale is that she cooks a six course meal every night, as cooking is the highlight of her day, and washing dishes is her preference for unwinding.

Okay so now that I'm done ranting, my question is in the poll. thanks for your time.
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