Thread: Smoking Weed
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Old 07-27-2005, 03:10 PM
benza13 benza13 is offline
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Default Re: Smoking Weed

Weed is a little different for everyone and I have friends that are complete stoners, yet seem to get more done than I could imagine. I also know people that are useless from extended smoking. In any case, I know it affects your short term memory fairly negatively and I try not to play poker when smoking because of this and because I tend to pay less attention to the game.

That said, weed is a great way to relax and I definitely enjoy a bowl at the end of the day pretty often. It also helps with my frequent stomach aches that doctors can't really link to anything. They are never that bad, but weed definitely calms my stomach so that I can eat more comfortably.

Also, if it is your first time, don't expect to get high as for many this doesn't happen, but I know I got extremely high my first time. May have had something to with the fact that my friends made this their goal.
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