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Old 07-27-2005, 01:34 PM
jakethebake jakethebake is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 9
Default Re: Dreams in other languages?

Was the dream limited to the spanish you know?

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As I said I don't really remember much of it. The things I do remember...
1. I was in it.
2. At least 2 of my non-spanish speaking friends were in it.
3. I would estimate that it was 5-10 minutes in length.
4. It was set in a social environment.
5. Everything that was spoken by all of those in the dream was completely in spanish. (I would guss it was only in thew words/phrases/sentences that I know.)
6. When I woke up I laughed really hard about it, spoke a crazy amout of unnesessary Spanish for the next week, and craved margaritas.

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Next time try to make sure Salma Hayek is in it.
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