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Old 07-27-2005, 01:33 PM
carlo carlo is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 13
Default Re: Any Aristotle Fans out There?

"Aside from air friction"--If air friction is considered do we have a different ball game? Why would Aristotle play physics without considering air friction? The abstracting thinking of this day(remove the air,etc.)appears to be somewhat removed from the reality its protagonists seek.

Aristotle can be rightly said to be the initiator of our western logical methodology. As the teacher of Alexander and his conquests they brought to the East the medicine and scientific arts which returned to the west via Islam is a modified state. Alexandria was the center of this learning which I believe was destroyed in conflict with the west. To the west--logic which culminated in the writings of Aquinas. The thought processes of our scientists today are a continuation of the Scholastic thought processes and especially Aquinas. To the east-a more ancient scientific and medical perception which was atavistically endowed.

Bye the bye--does Michelosen-Morley really prove anything about light or does it only display the interaction of light with a particular physical object? If a boxer punches his opponent in the arm and causes black and blueing does it follow that the boxers punch(arm) contains the black and blueing?

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