Thread: Please Help!!!
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Old 07-27-2005, 03:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Please Help!!!

Hi guys, I’m an amateur poker player who plays No Limit Texas Hold’em cash games. I usually play with friends at a single table where winner takes all (sit and go style). I’ve had some success but have run into a difficulty of late. Even though I have been dominating the regulars I usually play with, when I played with a different group of friends I did horrible. The group I’m having trouble against plays very loose and very aggressive. All of my opponents call or raise before the flop no matter what two cards they hold; literally the pot could be re-raised three times and some maniac would come in with 2 7 off suit. Also, they rarely give up their hands and with 8 other people staying in till the river I could have A A for my starting hand and some ones likely to hit something better. In most books I’ve read it is suggested that a player tightens up at a loose table, this makes perfect sense when playing at a Vegas table, but if I do that under these circumstances, with so many players in the action, usually some one is going to hit something no matter how selective I am in my starting hand selection; most importantly, with everyone constantly seeing the flop and me folding my bad hands I get a huge chip stack disadvantage as the field is thinned and the money gets passed to whoever was lucky in the round.

So my question is basically this: how can I win this game consistently? Or is this just a situation when skill is mostly eliminated and chance takes precedence. Thanks for all your responses.
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