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Old 07-26-2005, 04:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Leak Ashamed and time to come clean (my story)

It sounds like you may have combined two problems into one.

One: You are not playing poker with a poker bankroll. Your money from poker is mixed in with your money that you use for other purposes. If you go on a bad run, it can cut into your non-poker earnings. You should generally keep about 300BB in your bankroll, and skim off the top every month or so, although it appears that you don't really need that money anyway considering you have a great job and pay no rent.

Two: Your spending habits are likely poor in general. As a gambler, consider BJ and baccarat to be "entertainment" expenses, not a source for earnings. Set up an expense plan and budget for yourself. If you really feel like you want to regularly donate to charity and send money home to your family, then you need to manage your expenses.
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