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Old 07-26-2005, 09:53 AM
Hamish McBagpipe Hamish McBagpipe is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 305
Default Re: Mass defection from the AFL-CIO

You are right. The split is really for the best. Now there will be a lot more money for organizing. Be prepared to have me come to your workplace and unionize it. Although you don't think we are good you will just have to live with the higher wages, benefits and better working conditions. The process will be democratic. If a majority of your fellow oppressed workers vote to make the workplace unionized, we are in and will begin emancipating the downtrodden. Don't worry, your vote will count. Then, your dues will finance my poker playing and my frequent jaunts to drunken union conventions, thanks. But don't worry, son, we will definitely take your fringe minority opinion into account come bargaining time.
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