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Old 07-26-2005, 07:00 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: need help playing online poker - i don\' understand why i lose this

your sample size is ridiculously small and you obviously have no grasp on the inherent variance in the game.

Even the very best players would have similar down-swings playing on the party 2/4 tables or lower. that's just because there are such things as 'tough hands' and 'losing sessions'.

The best poker players probably only win 60-65% of their sessions.
2BB/100 is a good win-rate...but you don't if that's your true win-rate until many more thousands of hands.

you pat yourself on the back when you are up $100 and you wonder what's gone so horribly wrong when you lose $100.
This is less than 20BB's at 3/6.

You should regularly have swings that are larger than this.

Based on your misunderstanding of the variance involved I suggest that you are not a very good poker player.
The suggestions and comments in the first reply to this thread are actually correct even though you think he was just flaming you.

Some of the veterans around here (including me) have seen these posts about a zillion times before:
- new poster comes on here. just KNOWS that he is a good player...but doesn't understand why he isn't winning as much as he thinks he should
- through his post he continues to express his thoughts on some aspect of poker that shows a GROSS misunderstanding and obviously indicates that he is NOT as good as he thinks he is
- veteran posters around here proceed to tell him...either politely or not so politely...that he is REALLY missing the mark with his ideas and that he needs to step down in limits and gain as much knowledge as he can from these forums
- new poster just thinks he is getting flamed and gets poster eventually becomes convinced after 20 or so different veteran posters all give their unanimous approval to the general notion that the new player just isn't that hot of a player. after about 20 different people ALL agreeing you'd have to be pretty darned stubborn not to realize that you are just being defensive and that you really ARE missing out on some fairly simple and fundamental aspects of what it takes to be a consistent winning player.

again - as previous poster stated, it's your choice.
listen to the advice here that you REALLY are confused about some things AND that you are likely over-estimating your poker ability...
OR, get defensive and insist that you are a solid, winning player in spite of all the other veteran, winning players who are telling you otherwise.

i know i'm being a bit harsh here...but i might link to a post like this one for the future posts such as this.
they are getting more and more frequent.
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