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Old 07-26-2005, 02:12 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Default Re: Only time to tip a tourney dealer.....

Yeah, I have a thought. You're a friggin' A-hole.

Congratulations, you've joined the elite TWO who have permanantly been banned from any 2+2 events that I happen to be the "event coordinator" of, and also you've joined the perhaps five total persons on these forums that I have felt have so few worthwhile things to say that it's necessary to put you on the "ignore all users posts" list.

I hope you're proud, because your own ignorance and stupidity is all you really have to think highly of yourself for. Lucky for you, people with as small a brain as yours can't tell the difference between their own ignorance and what they perceive to be their own worthwhile reasons for continuing to live. Therefore this post should have little effect on your own self-image, thus averting the need for you to go to the nearest parking garage and jump right off the top, head first. Too bad for the rest of us tho....

Don't worry, I know your mom thinks you really are the coolest kid in the trailer park.
