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Old 07-26-2005, 01:44 AM
OtisTheMarsupial OtisTheMarsupial is offline
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Default Re: OOT FAQ topics - official thread.

As usual I'm swimming against the tide. I'm fine with that. Here are my suggestions:

Q. I tried to search and my computer froze up.
A. 2+2 and OOT in particular has expanded at an alarming rate. The forum software can't keep up right now. Go ahead and start a new topic.

Q. What is SIIHP/ FYP/ NH/ moran...
A. Try Google or Urban Dictionary. OOT has few inside jokes.

Q. They're mean to me
A. They didn't get hugged as children and they think they are being funny. Or they are children and they think they are being funny.

Q. They're really really mean.
A. They just haven't shed their homophobia/ sexist attitudes/ racist attitudes/ misperception that they are gods.
Notify a mod if someone is harassing you personally.

Q. Is it OK to post pictures of my ex girlfriend without her permission?
A. No

I also like some of the other funny suggestions.

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