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Old 07-25-2005, 05:32 PM
stu-unger stu-unger is offline
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Default Re: Q-Q in SB with rag flop

im not really sure on this one, ill give u my 2 cents. I don't mind the re-raise preflop. the problem is he has made a huge opening raise, and u r likely to get it heads up with out the raise+ u r OOP. i guess this is a preference thing. since u raised preflop i think leading the flop is the right idea, i think u want to lead at it for more though. doing this will likely get u pot stuck though and u r OOP with no info on villains hand. on the turn i think i check and pretty much concede the pot maybe thats weak tight, but given the range u put him on u aren't ahead of much and nothing is dead to u. if u think your hand is good a push is the only option just realize u have like zero fold equity and a flush with overs has odds to call which u want them to do.

my weak weeenie line= call preflop, lead flop for pot, check/call-check/raise turn, reavaluate on the river.
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