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Old 07-25-2005, 05:11 PM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Re: More On The Polls

The article is full of hot air. Specifically:

Of the four bomber on 7/7 at least three were born in the UK and not naturalized citizens. I believe the fourth was Jamaican. Hard to deport citizens born in the US (dont know about the UK). We could start an ethnic cleansing program and allow only Christians (or perhaps only neo-cons, or perhaps only Christians of certain denomination) to live in the US - that might work though with unknowable consequences for the society.

The positive statistics which Daniel Pipes (a well known propagandist) ignores include the very small numbers of those who believe this sanctioned by the Koran (the correct interpretation of the Koran) and those who think the bombers were justified.

A one percent statistic that he highlights at the start of this "essay" which is used to extrapolate that 16,000 people are ready to use violence in the UK is mathematically flawed. Even you, 6M, can find the flaw there. This is simply propaganda and scare mongering and pandering of the most evil type. Mr Pipes, if he were responsible, should be questioning this rather than highlighting it. Of course there are no links to let us see what exactly the survey was offering.

Mr Pipes is not worth reading. Though I have seen many of his essays.
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