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Old 07-25-2005, 12:46 PM
bygmesterf bygmesterf is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 29
Default Re: Heads-Up $30-60 Hand

As I stated yesterday in my post, given the range of hands B is going into the river with (remember hes calling open kings and a flush looking board with his blank board), its a clear call when you get raised on the end. Raising here in the long run will only cost you money.

Mike Emery

[/ QUOTE ]

Going back to something I leanred from Mike Caro, when someone raises with you with a trash board that doesn't show any obvious strength, they arent bluffing.

Raising with Aces up (Even AAKK) is rather dangerious facing a possible flush, which implies that B ought to have some sort of hidden boat. Reraising is silly even if in this case it would have been the right thing to do.
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