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Old 07-25-2005, 10:44 AM
sternroolz sternroolz is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 19
Default Re: Why does everyone talk so bad about sunglasses?

WPT-itis, the douchebag al

Most of your profit in low limit games will come from the bad play of others, not your great play. Read Roy Cookes articles over the past several years. Volume * edge = profit. Since it is much more difficult to increase your edge in low limit games, mostly due to the house rake and just the nature of low limit poker, increasing volume(ie encouraging bad play) is going to be the way to increase your profit. Players at happy , lively tables are more likely to want to gamble on lesser holdings. Sunglasses kill a happy, lively mood. Sunglasses make you look serious and sterile.

You notice that no one in this thread is ripping on those that wear sunglasses at higher levels. Most of the time you are not going to get that lively, happy tone the same you would at a $4-8 table. You expect that players will be more serious due to the large amounts of money that are in play. Furthermore, the high limits have relatively low house drop as a percentage of the money in play. You do not need the huge volume to overcome the house advantage that you do at lower limit games. In fact, except under only occasional situations, you can pull out all the tricks in the bag and you will still often have 4-5 rocks who will not play much. So in the higher limit games, your "skill" comes far more into play.

Bottom line - In low limit games, sunglasses ruin the mood. Since most of your profit in these games comes from the bad play of others, you both decrease volume and "hide" tells from players that can't read the tells or just don't care. Since these things ought to be abundantly obvious to any serious player(and if you aren't a serious player, wtf are you doing wearing sunglasses), you can only be classified as a douche-ey WPT wannabe if you do wear sunglasses in low limit games.
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