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Old 07-25-2005, 05:46 AM
punter11235 punter11235 is offline
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Default Re: Everyone wants to learn poker when they see the money...

Interesting post.
I had similair problem with my friend few times.
I explained them that poker is difficult, its not easy money. It takes a lot of work and good chunk of life. Its similair to tennis and golf. I asked them if they considered starting to make money from playing golf or tennins (or chess for example)? Poker is similair.
If they dont give up I would tell them ok. I can answer your questions I can lend you all the books and I can give you few things for thought for the start but that's all. There is no magic and they have to go by theirselves and its risky business.

One more thing. I dont think its good policy to boast about all the money. Its ok to inform family and few good friends but you should ask them for discrecy.

Best wishes
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