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Old 07-15-2003, 09:56 PM
all_aces all_aces is offline
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I checked my baby flush, it gets checked to MP who bets but doesn't like it very much, and nobody raises. In fact, we lose a few players. So when it gets back to me, I call, because I think I might actually have a shot at this pot. 4 of us see the river:

6c [6h 8h 6s 2h]

Well that certainly does it for me. Guy who bet the turn bets with more confidence now, gets one caller, of course I fold. He shows pocket 10's and drags the pot.

I told the guy to the right of me, the SB who wasn't in the hand, what I had--quietly. He very loudly said "You turned a flush? You shoulda bet out on the turn! You let him in...." And since nobody said "Oh I had a bigger flush..." (and it was that kinda table), I really think I was ahead on the turn.

Thanks for the feedback, it was kind of a bizzare hand that I wouldn't have given much thought, if not for SB's comments.
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