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Old 07-25-2005, 04:37 AM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: Not capping w/ JJ...dunno why but...

Very often the preflop smoothcall will cause an opponent to misread your hand and go off for tons of bets postflop.
Earlier when we were talking about this situation you mentioned that you don't necesarilly want the opponent autobetting when an overcard falls. I actually disagree. Suppose the flop comes K72 and he leads, you raise and you're in at least as good a spot in exactly the same size pot as if you cap, he checks, and you bet the same board

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in fact, this exact situation is what sprung to mind.

occasionally calling a pf 3 bet w/ these hands is very deceptive and doesn't sacrifice THAT much value as it would if you called KK/AA

i think your play subconciously affected my decision stop playing well against me!

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