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Old 07-25-2005, 01:59 AM
baronzeus baronzeus is offline
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Default Software I would pay for! (session reviewing)

I'm looking for software to help me review my sessions a little better. That said, this is what I'd want it to do:

Import hands from Pokertracker reasonably well.
Be able to "filter" those hands better than pokertracker does. By this, I mean that I want to be able to search for very certain situations like "overcards no draws" on the flop or "raised preflop and got check/raised on the flop".
I would also want it to take these hands and put them in a readable, 2+2 like format, with easy to read results and plays.

I haven't decided on what would be a complete list but I think you guys get the general idea.

If some programmer has the time to put into this, I'd love to drop a lot of money on this. If no one sacks up to the challenge, I'll do it myself, but I have very little time at the moment.

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