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Old 07-24-2005, 06:12 PM
nate1729 nate1729 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 175
Default Re: Wynn $3 Chips on the NL?!?!

So this one time, I'm playing the Foxwoods 5-5 NL, and this one total clown is running lucky, and every time he wins a pot he either colors up from the dealer or (when others complain enough) sits out a couple hands and colors up at the cage. So he's sitting there with like $3K, mostly in higher-demination chips. And when he bets and raises, he seems to only care how *many* chips he's betting, and he starts with his lowest-deminination chips.

It was hilarious, just watching him grab a few chips and throw them out there. Made for some bizarre under- and overbets.

Sorry for the off-topicness, but I've been wanting to share this story.
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