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Old 07-15-2003, 05:51 AM
thwang99 thwang99 is offline
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Default Lost a lot playing higher limits online, can someone help me

Hi all,

I've played a little 10/20 in the past, but lately due to the games on Party, I've tried to dabble in some 10/20 and 15/30 games. Doing ok, won about $900 the first session, then the next session at high limits I won $500, then a few days ago I have a losing session of $1100 (this was playing 3-6 up to 15/30, but mostly at 5/10). I believe most was due to bad luck, but some was due to bad play, I'm sure.

One person at the 15/30 table was VERY aggressive but also very lucky, and kept beating me (I would have probably $800 more if he wasn't so lucky and I won those pots). But I stayed even though I was losing, due to him.

Now, the most I normally play is from 1/2 up to 5/10. I've been averaging about $30-$40/hour (playing 3 tables, playing whatever table is good). Now I should just be satisfied with this win rate, but I want to take a crack at winning $60/hour by playing 10/20 and 15/30.

The games (10-20 and 15-30) sometimes have 9BB average pots, in those games I'm sure I can win, but I only have $1400 on deposit at party currently (not my BR, I can always add more). I feel it's my "poker" BR though.

Anyways, hope I'm coherent, it's almost 3am now. Any advice based on what I've said so far? I'll be posting some hands later. (I have a similar post in the low limits about a horrible losing session too, but it wasn't nearly as bad as this losing session money-wise).
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