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Old 07-23-2005, 09:57 AM
LarsVegas LarsVegas is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 75
Default Re: Valuebetting A-high?

I agree with a lot Eric's said. But I still think A-K should be bet. A-Q is very borderline.

Another thing you should note here is that you have an EASY call of a checkraise here with A-K. I would say gaining two big bets on desperation checkraises from K-high hands or worse are some of the value of betting behind here (in other words, you will often get one bet from a worse ace, but actually two bets from even worse hands a small percentage of the time!).

All this, of course, unless your opponent is

1) very good

2) has strong reason to believe you won't check two streets in a row

Sort of putting myself in the "very good" bracket here, there are strong-type of opponents where I would actually checkraise pretty much anything resembling a hand here (including most pocket pairs, although I would perhaps lead with the very lowest ones for fear that my opponent was checking a small pair behind on the turn himself).

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