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Old 07-23-2005, 05:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Flat Payout in the Main Event is A Good Thing

I also completely agree, I think proffesionals and realistic amateurs like this.

For the bread and butter poker player it gives them a good chance at a decent cash in a field where they have to deal with a great # of donkeys and for the amateur some nice $$ for a good run off of a 40, 100 , 200 whatever $ quali.

This can only be good for poker. The days of top heavy payouts won't come to an end soon. Hopefully, once the boom levels out, there will be flatter payouts with a factor of prestige to certain tourneys like WSOP and the Bellagio 25k . Comparble to the Grand Slams in Tennis for example. Well...that would be the ideal of the way it would be for me anyway. I don't care about seeing instant millionares and the level of play would increase at flatter payouts.

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