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Old 07-23-2005, 01:51 AM
DarkForceRising DarkForceRising is offline
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Default Re: your scummiest friend?

I know a guy who angrily dropped (threw to the ground, actually) a kid while babysitting him. I did not find out the truth of the matter until several years later.

His story was that it was an accident. Several of us wrote eloquent letters to the court describing him as a gentle person who would never do such a thing. In fact, in my letter, I related a story about how he once felt so bad about a dead cat in the road he scooped up the carcass and gave it a "proper burial".

Fastforward a few years and the truth was finally revealed. In a drunken stuper one night his eyes turned psychotic as he related how "the little fucker wouldn't stop crying- plus he had these long, dirty nails that he kept scratching me with". He then proceeded to lose it- throwing the kid to the ground causing him permanant brain damage and loss of eyesight.

The spousal abuse and general predatory sleazyness exemplified by this outwardly appearing "nice guy" are ancillary offenses compared the previously outlined one.

Currently, he is being severely jerked around by a girlfriend and is suffering a deep depression. Hopefully, for societies sake, he will off himself before he gets her.

BTW, he got 6 months work release for his crime- avoiding the million dollar plus civil suit in bankruptcy court (after maxing out his credit cards, naturally).

The kid and his parents got a life sentence.
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