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Old 07-22-2005, 02:53 PM
Vincent Lepore Vincent Lepore is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 570
Default Nazism? Abuse of power on the WPT Forum!

Dynasty is the name of the Forum Moderator for the World Poker Tour Forum. He was given or offered or volunteered for the position. I don't know which. Smoothcall is a regular poster on the WPT forum. Dynasty does not like him. I mean that Dynasty does not like him.

Dynasty is the forum moderator. Apparently Dynasty believes that means that if he doesn't like a particular poster he can ban him from the 2 + 2 at his own discretion. I am going to tell you how it came about that Smoothcall was banned from posting on 2 + 2. You be the judge of the fairness and kind of person this Dynasty is and the policies of this forum.

Dynasty enforces the no off topic threads on the WPT forum very vigorously. A couple of days ago I started a thread entitled "A moderator's job is to encourage not discourage participation.' Dynasty locked it immediately and informed me that this was a WPT forum and there was no place for my thread. He was right and I apologized for beginning the thread.

Before I go further let me say that there is some history between Smoothcall and Dynasty. Smoothcall has said things to Dynasty that were kind of rude. Dynasty has replied in kind. The difference between these two people is that Smoothcall apologized and Dynasty banned him from 2 + 2. Not only the WPT forum, from all of 2 + 2.

This thread appeared yesterday on the WPT forum.

Attn: Gavin Griffin

"Where's my $15? I have a cig hanging out of my mouth and I need something to light it with."

It was Posted by a guy that regulary makes idiotic posts on this forum. It was not locked and is still not locked.

Two days before Dynasty locked a thread began by Smoothcall because he claimed a Flame war was going on. Later after complaints from his buddies he unlocked it. Smoothcall asked in this Griffin thread where was Dynasty with regards to this off topic thread. Dynasty Banned him for his question. He said he was trolling and used that as an excuse to get him off of the forum.

Has 2 + 2 sunk so low as to condone a Nazi approach to moderating these forums. Dynasty should be banned and the Sklansky's and Malmuth should not allow this kind of thing to ever occur again. I find this particularly despicable because Smoothcall is a friend of mine. You might call me bias and you would be right. But I'm certain that if and when the Nazi, Dynasty, decides to reply you will find I have stated the facts as they occurred.
