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Old 07-22-2005, 07:18 AM
Kyo Souma II Kyo Souma II is offline
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Default Re: nn-ts chk-ts nn-ts chk-ts

Go back to Fruits Basket. Holla.

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the fake version of episode 23 rocks.

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It's been so damn long since I watched it, you're going to have to remind me of what that is. Tohru doing something...Kyo...hell, I dunno.

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Ep 24 was the ep where kyo transforms..

Back before the series was licensed, several groups were subbing it.. One didn't think the other was doing a good job, so they filled their channel with distro bots and released the next ep under the other group's tag. All the subs were phony... Something about wrestling and heroin addictions..

They subbed the closing credits in wingdings and replaced the closing theme with the version of the mash theme with vocals.

funny stuff.. i can mail you a cd of it

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