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Old 07-21-2005, 06:50 PM
kodonnell kodonnell is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: California
Posts: 35
Default Re: Minors at home games?

A friend of mine brought his son (16) to one of my tournaments. He busted out second to last, was a good sport, had a great time, and wants to return. He fit in pretty well, so he is invited back. However, we haven't seen him for a while.

I played poker with my dad and his friends a few times in my early teens and remember having a lot of fun and lifelong memories to go with it.

I really think it should have more to do with maturity than age. I don't really want to see a 40 year old crying in the corner either after taking his money (Mike Matasow is not invited to my home game). Look more at maturity than age.

It really has to do with everyones comfort level. If the 11 year old is a bad player, he will figure it out pretty quick and not return. If you are not worried about police, I say, let him play. He probably won't be back as loosing is not much fun. If he is a good player and returns, discuss it with your group and go from there.
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