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Old 07-21-2005, 03:07 PM
TheMainEvent TheMainEvent is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 544
Default Re: Flame Wars Won\'t Be Allowed

And i also have to feel i am one of the people you are referring to when you say some posters get themselves involded in flame war and you either will lock them, delete them, or possibly ban them. Please show me where i have created a flame war or made this my own personal battleground? I never insult until insulted first(and even then uusally refrain from insulting back). But when i do insult back i never use profanity or racist comments. Although i am constantly being called names and profanities by certain few posters. Yet you fail to ban them or warn them. Anyone who gets insulted in here responds back. Its human nature. It just so happens i get insulted more than any becasue people can't forget the past(which i didnt deserve then eitehr btw). But i always stick to the facts of a thread and other posters attack me. If you don't beleive this look at my history for the past 2 months and show me one time where i ever started the flame war. In fact you tried to start one with me awhile back when you proceeded to tell me why everyone in here hates me. That was very professional of you. Not to mention hypocritical. I will continue to stick to the facts and discuss poilitely like i always do. Make sure if you see me insult somebody look at the post right above mine i can gaurentee it will be someone who insulted me first and tried to start a flame war. Than you can either ban or delete there post and we won't have any problems. Ask Matt Sklansky if he had any problems with me after we got things straightened out. Oh and he never was lock happy.

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No way anyone read this paragraph