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Old 07-21-2005, 11:17 AM
lucas9000 lucas9000 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 103
Default Re: Cool Hotels/Things to Do when in Nashville, St. Louis, MO or Bould

i only know about boulder.

best bar: the sundown saloon

there isn't much good food in boulder, except for sushi. sushi zanmai is really good, and worth checking out.

i recommend hiking the flatirons. it's really not a difficult hike, but it's fun and a great view. also, it's only like less than 2 hours round trip to the top. definitely worth it. also go to red rocks. if there's no concert going on you can go in and just wander around...gotta see it at least once. rocky mountain national park is a bit further away, but also a must-see.

for going out in boulder in general, stick to pearl street. the hill is mostly college age people, and judging by the fact that you're engaged i'm guessing that isn't your scene. if you want to play pool, go to the foundry.

also be forewarned that boulder is it's own little world, full of yuppies and trustafarians. i'm sure you'll have a good time visiting though. good luck!
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