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Old 07-21-2005, 10:15 AM
Macdaddy Warsaw Macdaddy Warsaw is offline
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Default Re: Your top 5 albums of 2005

It was good times, I'm trying to figure out if I want to post a trip report on here or not. I've got plenty of pictures but pitchfork is running this 4 part recap of it and I really don't have the equipment nor the VIP access necessary to get pictures like they got. On the other hand, I did take some video on my camera, including a new Go! Team song (yeah, it's crappy quality, but you can get the gist of it). Also, I may or may not be singing along to some stuff in some of the videos.

But yeah, The Wrens won best of show for me and Go! Team comes in 2nd with the Decemberists 3rd.

Yeah, maybe I'll post a trip report, but there was hardly enough getting crunked going on to make it interesting besides the stuff about the bands.
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