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Old 07-21-2005, 04:08 AM
usmhot usmhot is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Ireland
Posts: 97
Default Re: Another Special Relativity Anomaly Question

You need to be quite clear on your frames or reference ... lets say frame A is one observer and in frame B is the object and another observer travelling at close to the speed of light relative to frame A ... then

1. to the observer in frame A the mass of the object in frame B appears to increase
to the observer in frame B the mass of the object does not appear to change

2. to the observer in frame A the length of the object in frame B appears to contract in the direction of motion
to the observer in frame B the object does not appear to change shape

3. to the observer in frame A the distance to be travelled by the object does not appear to change
to the observer in frame B the distance to be travelled by the object appears to contract in the direction of motion
(note: assuming the distance is marked off by two points x and y which are motionless relative to frame A)

4. to the observer in frame A time in frame B appears to move more slowly
to the observer in frame B time in frame B does not appeaqr to change (but time in frame A appears to slow down)
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