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Old 07-20-2005, 08:36 PM
GrannyMae GrannyMae is offline
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Default Re: IP Address Masking

I am not asking why you want to do this

not worth asking. he will lie and tell you it is for gnome accounts.

OP has "proof" that online poker is rigged, but for a year or more he won't state his proof.

IMO, his proof is that he is a whack-job that can't play poker worth a damn and blames his losses on the cards being rigged.

then, he claimed (despite the rigging) that he had a dozens of sessions without a loss, but later we found out that this included rakeback. what is a person doing playing if they think the rig is in anyway?!?

point is, he's full of bullshit. i have no doubt that he asked this question (which he has asked before), because he is a cheat. imo, gnome accts are as bad as cheating, but that's for another thread.
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