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Old 07-20-2005, 07:38 PM
jman220 jman220 is offline
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Default Re: Advanced Theory: Winning a half bet

Ok here she is. Your at a limit table, 6 handed. 3 fold, your heads up with AJ. The flop comes KJ4. BB bets, you raise, he calls, turn blank card, he checks you bet, river another blank he checks you check. At a limit table you just saved yourself a half bet!!! Since u checked the Riv but raised the turn, you did 3 things, first...saved a half bet because of the larger river bet, second, positioned yourself for an extra full bet if you fill (another jack or perhaps ace) and third, tested out his hand strength. If he has k3 he may just fold!!! also, he may be bluffing and may fold, either way your way better off with this raise. Note here if he reraises you you must fold!~

I have been doing this for months on short handed tables as part of my super aggressive play. The half bets add up!
let me know what you think about this advanced poker theory.
chris larmore

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm assuming this is a joke. If not, thats just a bad theory. First, the river bet is the same size as the turn bet in holdem. You can actually get yourself a free River card with your flop raise, but thats only if you're planning on checking the turn, which you did not, and I wouldn't want to check this turn anyway, thats an easy bet if you're going to raise the flop. Second, he's not laying down k/3 at a 6 max table. Third, this hand needs context, we need to know what happenned preflop and what your positions are, this is very important to determining how properly to play this hand. Finally, you're costing yourself bets, not saving yourself bets if you don't value bet your rivers, and in the long run that will kill you. Whether or not to value bet this river of course is read dependent on the villain.
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