Thread: Tivo
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Old 07-20-2005, 05:49 PM
CollinEstes CollinEstes is offline
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Default Re: Tivo

I have a tivo, but I have an old one. I gave my brother one for christmas and it is awesome. You don't have to have a phone line, you can connect it to your computer. (my brother uses a wireless router). I would reccommend paying the one time fee though of 200 for lifetime service. Yes it will work without the serivce, or you can use the monthly plan. But it sucks without the service because you can't use any of the best features.

If you connect it to the internet you can choose what you want it to record from any other computer with internet. So if you forget you can do it at work or something. It is worth it, plus if you get the service you get a nice rebate on the hardware.
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