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Old 07-20-2005, 03:57 PM
scrapperdog scrapperdog is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 26
Default Re: 10% of poker players are winners???

10 people sit at a 10+1 sng.

One person is horrible with almost no chance to place. Three people are not horrible but still kind of bad, pretty new or prone to tilt or whatever. Three people are average. Two people are good players, they read the books, know the odds, and are solid players. One person is a wizard who knows all the odds but also is a great reader of hands. The horrible person busts thus contributing 10 dollars to the table. This also happens to be the amount of total rake payed by the players. Why the Hell can only 1 of the other players make money when the rake is paid for? Some of the players have clear advantages over the remaining players. Please dont answer with standard deviations or bell curves, answer the question. Again, I am not saying a ton of people win, just that more than 10% do.

Do this 100 times with the same table makeup. The wizard is a clear winner, one of the solid players is a clear winner, the other solid player had a little bad luck and broke even, and the rest have lost. Two clear winners does not = 10% thank you very much.
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