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Old 07-19-2005, 05:03 PM
SL__72 SL__72 is offline
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Default Re: Best and Worst Movie remake ever???

I don't completely agree with this. While in general remaking a GOOD older movie is a horrible idea, I think there are a few cases where it is a really good idea.

First, if technological advances would allow for the remake to be, at least in some ways, better then the original. I think King Kong is a good example of this (not saying it will be good, but its a good idea)

Second, if the original is obscure or foreign. Not many people are ever going to see sinchin no samurai no matter how much it is praised. Most people aren't interested in seeing an old black and white movie WITH SUBTITLES. IE, The Magnificent Seven was a good remake.

Third, if the older movie is failing in quality or falling into obscurity. There are a lot of older movies whose original prints are getting worse by the year. The effort to restore/preserve such movies has been increased a lot in the last decade, but I'm sure there are many decent/good films that are already more or less lost.
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