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Old 07-19-2005, 03:53 PM
liucipher liucipher is offline
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Default Re: KK on button with 3 players remaining

and I wanted to collect some chips with my KK

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In an online SNG I'd just reshove. 75% of the time you'll get called given the reraise. If this is a live game against a friend, things change. Main reason being that "friendly" games abound with moves that are idiotic for the sake of bragging rights (also due to the usually smaller stakes). With KK I want to give a LAG player as much rope as possible to hang himself. I don't want to reshove and have him fold his J2o bluff.

Given that, there are times when you will have to live with "bad" moves. That is to say, you raise big preflop with AA and someone calls and flops trips w/ 22. You of course go broke on the innocuous 962 rainbow flop. While it was 'avoidable,' these hands play themselves.

so close to the serious money

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You're already in the money. The difference between third and second is 20%. The difference between second and first is 30%. ALWAYS PLAY FOR FIRST. Almost all SNGs are structured such that it takes relatively few first place finishes to even out all the third place finishes that "could have been seconds."
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