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Old 07-19-2005, 02:03 PM
Asufiji2004 Asufiji2004 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 49
Default How do you tell your Best Friend his G/F Sucks!

The Backround:

He and friends for 10 years. They have been dating for 6 months. We have been friends since H.S. we went to the same college and roomed together for like 4 or 5 years. We were pretty tight. His jobs takes him to Norcal. He meets girl at work. He is 26, she is 18.

The problem:

She is very clingy and possessive. Within a day of meeting her, she tells me and my girlfriend that she hates him playing poker she thinks it's a waste of money. He loves to play poker, but has mysteriously stopped playing 100%. He blames the Norcal card rooms, I don't buy it. He confirms that whenever we talk through AIM she reads our IM's and listens to our conversations on the phone. I'm not sure if he is okay with it, but never says a thing to her. He isn't the toughest character, they were dropping "L" bombs within 4 weeks of dating each other. Historically he falls in love with girls easily, he's PW'ed. The last straw was an upcoming vacation. In June it was decided we would stay at one of the nicer hotels (for our girls) and do the poker rate. We would play during the day, they would lay out and shop and at night we eat, drink & party. All of the sudden his G/F thinks it would be a good idea if we stayed at a less expensive hotel so we don't "have to play poker" (exact quote). I knew something was up when he asked if I wanted to see "O"..he would have never ever ever been interested in this, but it's something the 18 yr old can do. So we've changed hotels and I'm pretty sure I'll be playing poker by myself or not at all. I can't ever talk to him about stuff, cause she is always lingering around. I don't want to be rude or hurt her feelings, but my boy needs to know what's up. She has quit her job, she has no goals, she sits at his apt. all day. He is her meal ticket. Oh and she answers his phone if she doesn't recognize the number and she reads his text messages. I don't care if people don't think it's my place, he's my boy. This isn't his wife, it's his g/f of 6 months. So i'm looking for the best way to talk to him. Do I just come out with it, or lure him somewhere under false pretenses and then tell him. His brother even wants in on it. HELP ME OOT!
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