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Old 07-18-2005, 11:59 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: Is it possible to drink too much water per day?

OK, you guys are going to have to provide a link. I even did some quick searches and found nothing.

Everything I have read shows that electrolyte problems, kidney problems, and hyponatremia set it way before digestive enzymes start to go out of wack. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'm going to have to see a link from NCBI, Pubmed, or some other respected souce before believing this. Our kidneys are equipped to efficiently process fifteen liters of water a day. That's equivalent to drinking about sixty glasses of water a day.

I find it very difficult to believe he will suffer from enzyme loss before he suffers from noticable electrolyte loss.

Honestly, unless this guy is getting high of the water, I think he's fine.

AZK, get a water filter. And a good one. PUR > BRITA and reverse osmosis is the best. Your body is acting like a water filter and you are throwing a lot of stuff at it. This is a good recommendation for everyone btw. Edward Norton and National Geographic had a nice episode called "Troubled Waters"

Still, I think you are better off drinking a lot as long as you use a filter.
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