Thread: taxes
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Old 07-18-2005, 05:47 PM
Karatitis Karatitis is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Toronto, CANADA
Posts: 41
Default Re: taxes

Well, I think it depends on what jurisidiction you live doesn't it?

For example, I live in Canada, play on Empire and have cashed out thousands more than I put in, but I don't declare because in Canada gambling winnings are not taxable.

However, there is a provision in most tax codes like U.S. or Canada that if someone ostensibely makes their living solely from poker than an audit might be done and they would have to start declaring. I dunno, but I suspect not until your chartered bank alerts authorities that this might happen, so it would have to be very big numbers (in relation to say your income from a day job).

Having said all this, jurisidictional issues are very complex, especially as it relates to internet, age of consent, et al, and I'm not a lawyer, nor an accountant.
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